the first online magazine for electronic music.
The German "Magazine for Electronic Music on the Internet" (MEMI)
was founded by Frank Korf and Martin Rothhaar in December 1994 and
was the first online magazine for Electronic Music ever.
MEMI initially started as a fanzine project at the University of
Koblenz. After just a short time, MEMI was supported by other freelancers
and music enthusiasts and so formed a virtual editorial, technical and marketing
team all over the D-A-CH region. Besides Frank Korf and Martin Rothhaar, Christian
Baum, Thomas Polaschek and Rainer Buchty became the main and most significant
members of the virtual core team.
In the course of time MEMI established to a well-known
size within the German music scene and soon became the no. 1
address for Electronic Music on the web.
To meet the needs of both, the producers and the listeners of
Electronic Music, MEMI offered two different areas: MEMI - all
about electronic music, synthesizers, production & recording - and
the MEMI Music-Zone - a full-fledged fanzine within the magazine.
For over a decade MEMI provided nearly anything around electronic music & recording:
latest news, events, music reviews, artist information, equipment &
recording tests, auctions, books, free sound- and sample-downloads,
the largest community of musicians and fans, online discussions,
CD productions, personalized services, newsletters and more.
Today, MEMI is in hibernation and waiting for the next big relaunch
to come back with new and fresh features for the music community someday ...